Current Bid / RFP Opportunities
The City of Oak Park Heights posts all Bid and Request for Proposal opportunities on this section of the City's web site. The City of Oak Park Heights also publishes current bid and request for proposal opportunities in the Stillwater Gazette.
If you plan on submitting a proposal to the City of Oak Park Heights, please check back for any updates before final submittal, or register with the City as a potential bidder so any updates are sent directly to the list of interested parties. The City is not responsible for a bidder missing a posted addendum to the proposed contract.
The City of Oak Park Heights is accepting bids to reclaim and pave approximately 5,400 LF of 8’ wide asphalt trail. Sealed bids will be received and publicly opened by City of Oak Park Heights, Washington County, Minnesota, at the office of the Public Works Director, located at 14168 Oak Park Blvd N. 55082– City Hall, (Tel. 651 -439- 4439) on MONDAY, the 19th of August 2024 at 9:00 AM for the furnishing of work and materials for the project. See below for bid submission information.