The City of Oak Park Heights has started to use its ability to geographically target telephone, text and email messages to citizens through the use of the CodeRED high-speed notification solution.
We are no longer utilizing the NIXLE system. The Code Red system is far more robust and has been adopted county wide by all cities to provide a uniform system.
To ensure your home address, phone #, text and email addresses are in the database, click on the CodeRED icon above. Those without personal Internet access may use the county library system computers or call 651-439-4723 Monday through Friday from 9am to 4pm. Required information includes a street address (physical address, no P.O. boxes) for location purposes and a primary phone number. To receive email and text messages, individuals will also need to enter these addresses. By entering a cell phone you will receive the notices even when away from your home so you may know if children or other persons at your residence may need assistance from you. Do NOT use your home phone # for a residence of another person such as parent, or a business. If you enter your home phone # for an address other than your own home, you will remove it from data base and not receive the messages intended for your own home.
This system enables emergency services to notify you if there are activities in your area you need to be aware of or to request your assistance in emergency situations. In an emergency you may be given a description to help locate a missing person, be notified of a potential danger in your area and what action you should take, along with other police or fire emergency information. You will not be notified just because the police or fire are in your neighborhood, you will only be notified if we need your assistance or to provide you safety information.
If you sign up for the General Notifications you may be told of non emergency public works information such as water outages, and other city events and notices.
While we have made every attempt to load current 911 telephone information into the system this does not guarantee that you are in the system. Some phone over IP home phones, cell phones and others may not have or may have incorrectly been submitted by your provider as 911 information. I encourage you to follow the link to the Code Red web site and enter your address and the phone # associated with your residence or business. You do not have to create an account to enter your information, but creating an account will allow you to easily change your information in the future. Be assured your information is confidential and will not be given out, and is only accessible to limited persons.
Remember no system is 100 % at all times. Do not rely on this if you feel you are in danger, take appropriate action on your own and do not wait for a notification. See the FAQ section for more information on how the system works, how the message gets to you, and why you may not be notified in some incidents.
More information about the CodeRED system on the city web site under the Code Red FAQ link.