Taxi Cab License

A taxi cannot solicit business in the City of Oak Park Heights without first having obtained a license under the provisions of Ordinance 1402.  The Chief of Police, or an officer designated by the Chief of Police, must thoroughly and carefully examine each taxicab before the license is issued. 

The fee for the license is $60.00 and must be submitted with the application.

The taxicab must be insured up to $100,000 for bodily injuries or the death of one person, $300,000 on account of any one accident resulting in bodily injuries or death of more than one person, and a total of $50,000 liability for damage of property of others arising out of one accident.  A certificate of insurance must be attached to the application.

The license remains in effect for one year and expires on December 31st. 

For the application and City Ordinance 1402, please click on the link below.  If you have any questions, please contact City Clerk Jennifer Pinski at 651-439-4439.