Oak Park Heights Forestry Program

Oak Park Heights has been caring for its trees for 40 years. The program started in the early 1970s as inspection and removal of elms with Dutch elm disease.  Click here for more information.

The tree inspection program eventually also included oak wilt. Trees were planted on boulevards and in parks each year, mainly as elm replacements.  Since 1998, the City has had an arborist to oversee the forestry program. Inspections for diseased trees continue, but the program has grown to include: site inspections and a telephone service to assist residents with tree care issues; inspection of sites and review of landscape plans for development projects; the adoption of a tree preservation ordinance; inspections for risk assessment of trees along boulevards, in parks and along trails; tree-related articles in the City newsletter and on the website; park nature walks; and prairie restoration management. Oak Park Heights has been a Tree City USA since 1980, a testimony to the commitment the City has made to trees and tree issues.