Why Should I Obtain a Building Permit?
Whether it is your home or your business, it is a financial investment. The City has adopted the Minnesota State Building Code, which provides minimum standards to safeguard lives, property, and public welfare through regulating the design and construction of all buildings or structures. Many property insurers may not cover damages if work has been done without a permit or the required inspections.
The following are some helpful hints when securing a contractor and completing a project. Ask your contractor for verification of their licensing and insurance. Your contractor must obtain a building permit prior to starting your construction project. A permit card will be issued with the permit and should be posted at the construction site. Your contractor should schedule all required inspections. Check to be sure that your contractor is scheduling the required inspections. Most importantly, be certain to have a final inspection made and approved by the Oak Park Heights Building Official, Julie Hultman. It may be difficult to get a contractor to come back to your project to make corrections after final payment has been made.
As a do-it-yourself builder, remember that you are also responsible for obtaining a permit and scheduling the required inspections. The best thing to do is call the Building Official, at City Hall, during the planning stages of your project, to have any questions answered and to ensure that your project is in compliance with City requirements. There are a variety of construction project and code requirement handouts available in the Community Development Department at City Hall.