Fire Department
The Fire Department, through the Fire Chief, must enforce the Fire Prevention Code of the City, enforce all laws regarding the inspection for and removal of fire hazards, prevent fires, engage in fire prevention work and education, and perform all other related functions as required by the City Council. Please visit the Fire Department's website at: http://www.bayportfire.org/
The City of Oak Park Heights contracts fire protection services from the City of Bayport.
Bayport Fire Department: (651) 275-4401
Fire Chief Allen Eisinger: (651) 300-2101
Station Address: 1012 5th Avenue North, Bayport, Minnesota
Fire Protection Permits are issued by the City of Oak Park Heights. Fire protection work permit questions should be addressed to the Oak Park Heights Building Dept. (651) 351-1661 - jhultman@cityofoakparkheights.com.